1. Apportionment of the amounts received from Warrant holders (mentioned in Table I) belonging to promoter and/or Non promoter category, against the warrants allotted in the Board Meeting held on May 11, 2024. 2. The allotment of equity shares on conversion of 77,00,000 (Seventy-Seven Lakhs) Convertible Warrants into 77,00,000 (Seventy-Seven Lakhs) Equity shares at an issue price of Rs. 8/- each (including a premium of Rs.3/- per share) to persons belonging to non-promoter category, on preferential basis, upon receipt of amount as mentioned in Annexure I from the allottees pursuant to exercise of their rights of conversion into equity shares in accordance with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018 (‘SEBI(ICDR), 2018’).
Exchange Received Time 18-12-2024 17:23:45 Exchange Disseminated Time 18-12-2024 17:23:46 Time Taken 00:00:01